Archive for April, 2010


April Near Over

April 30, 2010

Looking Down a Glass Barrell


 In a way I feel that apologies ought to be made for not being around for so long but in following my old Ma’s advice I felt it better that, ‘If you haven’t anything good to say, best not to say anything at all.’ To say that I’ve been struggling would be an understatement – with moods, with self-image re being unemployed, with a variety of stresses. We’ve largely been living a ‘Murphy’s Law’ existence for the last 6 months…. as soon as one crisis is under control there is another flash fire springing up thats need to be attended to. Bloody hell it has been exhausting emotionally, mentally and physically. I simply haven’t felt I had any words to share here that weren’t primarily bitching and moaning, so why bother?? 

Some good news though. I spent a couple of days in a classroom there a couple of weeks ago doing a training and orientation for a new job. That led to my having worked 4 shifts this past week so Woot-woot!! and Shazam, I’m working again, finally!! Not the sort of work I’m interested in but it is an income. C’est la vie. I continue with my job search regardless. 

More good news – I was thinking the other day that it must be about a year now since I experienced any of my ‘auras’ re my seizure disorder. That is by far the longest between sessions since my initial diagnosis back in’98. I’ve always aimed for 100% compliance in taking my meds so I can’t really put it down to that but I’m glad to have racked up this record. 

Lynda is good, Milo is coming along slowly and the rest of the pets are fine. I hear from cousin BJ usually once or twice a week and she always has positive and interesting news and views to share. Thanks Cuz – love ya. 

See you all in May and I’ll try to visit the regular blogs soon. 

Spring Tulips