Archive for September, 2012


Night Drive Home

September 27, 2012

High beams highlight
the reaching limbs of trees
and truncated trunks

Long straights and tight turns
at high speed, visual static
smooths the mind

Music constant companion
vocal guitar drum and bass
‘Things That I Used To Do’

I don’t do no mo, no.


Unofficial: Summer is over

September 5, 2012

copyrighted... but borrowingMy mostly self-imposed summer blackout is over. I’m back; I’m better… maintenance dose of anti-depressants aside, I feel right with the world again. There will be opportunities to post again soon even as it has been busy times. Worked a 29 day stretch there where I was at work for a portion of all those days.

Out first few admissions were packing up today and leaving our care – 4 of them. Kinda sad but like mothers sending their kids off to the first day of school, excited to see them step out into their worlds again. We’ve don’t all we can; they have the tools and supports to continue their recovery as they see fit.

Lynda and I enjoyed her youngest brother Darryl’s wedding Saturday to his fiance Ria. Beauty weather, good crowd, music, & speeches… a little slow dancing. Couldn’t get g’son Owen off the dance floor. Good times.

Be back soon.