Archive for May, 2010



May 28, 2010

Glassful of Light

For me, this has a strong graphic quality  – the low centre placement of the glass, stark lighting, surround of shadows.

(Of course the juxtuposition of the dog’s water dish on the floor makes me say, ‘Doh!’ and chuckle. Didn’t notice that went I clicked the shutter.)

How would it feel to drink a glass of light and what would it taste like??


Quality of Light

May 25, 2010

shining through

My eye keeps coming back to this one despite the fact it is pretty unremarkable unless you dwell awhile with it; let your eye roam around it’s spaces and drift along it’s lines.


State of Affairs

May 19, 2010

Shimmery When Wet

So…. thought I’d best check in here else folks’ll think I’ve gone AWOL or sumthin’. How am I? Well, somewhat better than I had been for quite awhile. Those last couple of months I was actively self-monitoring for signs of a return to clinical depression and some of the hallmarks were lurking about but seem to have been alieviated. Of course one of those signs is a lack of enjoyment or interest in things that you ordinarily DO enjoy partaking in… like blogging, for instance.

Truth be told I had considered (for a while there) deleting both blogs. One day last week I noticed someone had scanned some pages using ‘categories’ and when I began doing the same it illustrated to me that having written quite a lot here over the course of time I had made a significant investment here, touched on quite a variety of subjects, met a cool bunch of people and it’s all a source of joy for me.

Damn, just got interrupted with a call for work. Hmmmm…. Anyway, I had hoped to see cousin BJ tomorrow but that isn’t going to happen. See, our cousin G died and the graveside service is taking place in a town that is about equal distance for both of us. G is the first of our generation (well, who lived into adulthood) to depart this earth. G spent the last 30 or so years living in rooming houses, group homes, on the street, occasionally on psych wards,… you name it. G’s teenage experimentation with marijuana unleashed a latent schizophrenia that ruled the rest of his life. I didn’t know him at all well but feel for him and his parents just the same. God bless them all.

Lemme In - It's Wet Out Here

Tomorrow marks 6 years, 10 months sober for me. Monday will be 2,500 days. Just only sayin’ as it’s a fact and I’m not bragging mainly because drinking has crossed my mind on more than a few occasions during these last few months. Nothing like an educated alky to start rationalizing a return to drinking…. Sure, I can moderate, sure I can! Luckily I happened to be reviewing one of my pharmacology texts around that time and saw some stats in regard to what my chances were likely to be of being successful. A piddling 1 – 2% – I’m not that much of a gambler. So, I choose not to drink today.

Must go attend to some things – I’ll be back sooner than later. Ciao.