Archive for July, 2011



July 29, 2011

How’s that for a catchy title, huh?? A real eye-grabber.

What’s new…. hmmm…

Well, my grand-daughter Madison turned 3 the other day. If you didn’t catch this post on FaceBook here is the link to a photo session that her parents arranged:​5eCA4jJ7Y394cYFdiecSw/s/da​rk . Such a sweetie. I sent a message to my daughter-in-law Melissa saying I wish I could visit way more often so I could see the changes in Madison as she is growing. It is also less than a month before Melissa is due to deliver baby #2, ‘C’ section scheduled for Aug 25. They had some prego pics done as well, here:

Oh, glory-be!

Last week I marked off another successful year of ongoing sobriety through working the miracle which is the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I know I have thought this previously in this my twisted life’s journey but….. if I can stay sober through this past year I can survive anything. One day at a time and all that good stuff.

straight around

I’m glad I keep book review columns that I see in the newspaper otherwise I likely would have missed out on reading Rodney Crowell’s ‘Chinaberry Sidewalks’. I finished reading it last night and it was a terrific piece of memoir. He had me hooked from the first page and didn’t let up till it was all done. Highly recommended – 5 stars.


Lynda and I enjoyed having g’son Owen with us for all of last week – he’s quite a character. We’ve also been getting out doing a few social things due to the fact that I have my weekends off (PTL). Tomorrow night we’re heading into Toronto for an evening with some of the folks I went through my Addiction Studies course with…. probably be a dozen or so of us. We haven’t done one of these get-togethers for a few years so it ought to be interesting.


lazing around at the flea market

Have a good weekend, folks. Time to get cleaned up for work tonight.


Everything Looks Different…

July 15, 2011

… in the daytime

Back when I was working in the print trade I was a camera operator (primarily,  among other things). Besides the line shots for copy there were always lots of pictures to shoot too. Usually it was just the screen values that changed depending on what sort of press or paper it was being printed on – number of lines per inch; 55, 85, 100, 133, 150, 200. And they would be standard b&w half-tones,  or duotones and sometimes tri-tones (blk + 1 or 2 other colours). Every once in a great while I was called upon to produce a mezzotint and I always liked the effect this screening gave to the photographs.

My point? I took some shots through that broken window when I arrived at work yesterday and the mezzotint effect is pretty pronounced. Shazaam – no filter or screen required. And after having been looked at by all the grand poobahs they figure it likely wasn’t a 22 bullet – maybe a pellet gun or slingshot. Dunno – hard to say. Don’t think it was someone just chucking a rock tho. Anyway here are a few shots. Let me know what you think.


Who decides….

July 14, 2011

… which are weeds and which are flowers?

Queen Anne's Lace


gnarly barley

6 feet tall and about to bloom

 …. and on a completely unrelated note – while I was working last night one of the windows was shot out with a small caliber gun. Thankfully it was a triple glazed one and only the outermost one shattered.

fractured vision


Shades of Green

July 8, 2011

Wandering the yard….






dash of colour

Another wish….. that we could be surrounded by such vivid colour all year long.


Lemme See

July 8, 2011



Look like anyone you know? Hope not cuz this reminds me of Cyrano de Bergerac.