Archive for the ‘Life’ Category



February 15, 2013

I happened to check my email address which I use for this blog (recently recovered) and saw a new post from Amuirin was up at Stop & Wander. So, should you follow the link you’ll find she has eloquently expressed my feelings about the crew of us who used to hang together so frequently about ‘the blogs’.

Since I began working my new job in July my focus has really shifted. As with any job I try to bring my best on a daily basis and I’m really happy to be working back in addictions again. I find carrying a case load again to be taking a larger toll than it used to do though… more home time and attention is being directed to doing up case notes and phoning family members of clients.

Happy to have some of you as friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now LinkedIn and should anyone else wish to get on board just email me here….

Cheers – I hope everyone is doing well. Miss all of you. Norm.


New Year

January 2, 2013

Still getting used to working day shifts. Enjoying my work with the guys in treatment. We’re at capacity. Woot-woot!!

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays…. we did! C U soon.


Yadda, yadda, yahoo

December 6, 2012

PressureSo, all these months later I start on Monday doing what I was hired to do… daily program presentation and individual counseling. These have been interesting times (since July) building relationships for the centre with the area’s 12 Step groups and their service arms. Personally it has been advantageous getting re-acquainted with lots of folks I hadn’t seen in a long time, plus meeting lots of newcomers to the program who have arrived in the interim. Plus, PLUS, I’ll be able to participate at my home group on a regular basis and actually contribute after a long hiatus and very spotty attendance. Woot-woot!

Here at the centre we’re pleased with how everything is shaping up organization-wise and program content. We’re having major successes with some complex cases; poly-substance and major mental illness mixes. As for staff… heh, heh… we try to put principles before personalities and work toward the common good of our clients.

While those things are all good and fine what it really boils down to NOW is being able to get into a solid routine with Lynda on the homefront. She has been very patient and abiding as this is a new start-up business but she could use some quality one on one time…. and I’m looking forward to that too. I miss my honey.

Although it is still months away I find I’m looking forward to celebrating 10 years clean and sober…. and thinking about all the people who have contributed to my sobriety; both inside and outside the ‘rooms’. As for outside; some of those folks are right here online. Others, people I attended college with when I studied for my Addictions diploma. Still others are close family and friends who have leant their support during trying times.

During this period of re-adjustment I’ll be trying to catch up on some much needed rest and establish a good working structure for mind, body and spirit. That and take time to count my blessings. I’m a happy guy. Ciao for now.


All The News

October 16, 2012

a little ha, ha moment b’cuz there isn’t much to share. I’m still working daily so life is pretty much all to do with work and stealing moments with Lynda here and there. Plus, I came down with a garden variety virus last week which has left me feeling pretty crappy and seeking the comfort of my bed. I’ve just come in from another hour of raking leaves and that bit of exercise leaves a good feeling in my arm & shoulder muscles and a relaxed mind.

Last evening was a special sort of night… one of the owners of the rehab I work at was celebrating the 2nd annniversary of his getting clean from cocaine at his C.A. homegroup in Toronto. So, off we all went – 10 house residents; Erick and I… plus a couple of our house volunteers and a couple of our recently completed clients. We went out afterward to enjoy an hour of fellowship at Boston Pizza – conversation, food and bevvies. Good to see Erick’s father and sister in attendance in support of him. It made for a later night and longer shift but well worth it.

Oh, my car broke down as I was leaving for work Friday evening so I wasn’t able to get it towed in until yesterday (Monday). They looked at it this morning, gave me a price and hope to have it for me tomorrow. This is the one time it is advantageous working opposing shifts with Lynda – we’ve been able to share her big-ass pick-up truck.

I’m trying to include a recent picture of Lynnie here that I really like but I cn’t tell if it will upload or not. Hopefully it does when I hit ‘publish’.


Night Drive Home

September 27, 2012

High beams highlight
the reaching limbs of trees
and truncated trunks

Long straights and tight turns
at high speed, visual static
smooths the mind

Music constant companion
vocal guitar drum and bass
‘Things That I Used To Do’

I don’t do no mo, no.


Special: Old Bird Sun

July 18, 2012

Happy 85th Birthday!!… and your insides appear to be just fine, young lady.


Sittin’ On Top Of The World

July 5, 2012

I was just listening to that song on the way home from work and thought it a pretty apt description of my state of mind these last couple of weeks. Sometimes it takes something external – like the prospect of new work – to nudge you over the final bump in your personal road. Looking back it is seeming clearer that part of the problem was operating so much of the time in isolation; probably 80 – 85% of the time I was alone either at home or at work. Phone calls, blogging & time spent ‘connecting’ via Facebook really don’t cut it although those means certainly give that illusion sometimes. Some of you used to be recipients of fairly regular and sometimes lengthy emails where we would share views on topics til we’d run the subject to ground. Haven’t done that in quite a while with anyone though I see that as a healthier means of communication. Not to worry because for months there I really wasn’t up to it. Now I won’t have time for it.


“Reach Out” – an unwanted portrait of my sister-in-law

So, in a snail mail letter to Kel I told her that I’ve considered lately deleting my blogs – the original ‘Constant Change’ and this one, too. I find it to be one of those things which is particularily difficult to decide…. I keep flip-flopping back and forth without reaching a decision one way or t’other. That’s in the wind so if you decide to take a romp throught these pages and wish to copy anything – go ahead.

Right now my focus is on completing my last series of shifts for my current employer and getting primed and ready for my new assignment. Review, review, review…. and Google alerts for current trends in addiction treatment. When I gave notice that I was leaving my job I told them I wanted to stay on as casual part-time staff. Tonight I was asked to choose from a selection of available shifts over the next month. I guess they really don’t want to lose me; who knew? Time to let them know my choices. Ciao fo now, peeps!



Cashing In My Karma

June 21, 2012

ImageSo, for the benefit of anyone who doesn’t know the story… I worked for alcohol & drug treatment centre for a little over 5 years. They laid us off for ‘6 months’ when they decided to do some much needed renovations. They didn’t have their ducks in a row where it came to the various funding agencies so it became a massive screw up and much delayed. Oh, at the time we, the staff were laid off, they made an enormous mistake in firing our Manager and forcing him into an early retirement mode. I wound up taking a stop-gap job making SOME dough – not a job of choice but the shifts were a good fit. John (ex-manager), had kept his hand in at a few different facilities, dry-houses, drop-in centres; longer Tx centres.

So,… heres the meat of the story.

Via contacts he had made at those centres and talks with a variety people his name had been put forward to head the programming and admin for a brand new local Treatment centre. Over a few days they had discussions and he was onboard. He’s been quietly compiling material for our in-house presentation for these last few weeks. Here’s the good part – he called and asked if I would be a ‘day-oner’ and come help him to open the centre and work for him as a counsellor. My initial reaction was “WOO-HOO!!” and “HELL YEAH:. Then we talked money for a bit and about program content. Tuesday we talked agian – the financial backer of the opperation had their $’s offer; somewhat ower than my hopes or expectations. So, John is presenting my counter offer. Whatever – I’ll have a job back in my field once again 2 and three quarters of a year later.

I hope to hear back from him come morning about the response to my counter-offer and a start date as I have to give notice where I’m currently working. So, the 5 years of work and daily dropping my karma chip in their satin bag is finally paying off.

While we face a couple of grave days this week, which we have appropriate plans for, I’m quietly celebrating this significant personal victory. Praise be! Fulfilling work once again – yee-haw!

Many thanks for all your goodwishes, positive vibes, prayer and encouragement. *My Rocks; My Sirens*

LINK: will be my new workplace / home.



First Blush

June 8, 2012

Whenever this first blossoms I think of Robin because she likes this shade so well. (another phone experiment post)



Seasonal Change

June 8, 2012

… or sea change. Whatever, I’m feeling quite a lot better. Meds seem to have made the difference; I’m more active, have more energy, better outlook, etc.

I still have things on my plate that stress me but I don’t feel overwhelmed. I don’t think the situations are going to work out to my liking but I have the tools to work around that stuff.

Check out this little girls enthusiasm – what started as a home video became a tv commercial.

If I ever get feeling that way about life I’ll let you know….. but she did make me laugh.